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The Impact of Mindful Meditation on Health Care Workers
15th February 2023

The Impact of Mindful Meditation on Health Care Workers..

MindFul Meditation - Mobile mindful meditation applications should be used by health care workers to reduce stress, especially given that all sub- groups showed a statistically significant stress reduction after using the Synctuition mindful meditation app. The Synctuition app significantly reduced health care workers’ perceived stress during the COVID-19 pandemic and thus had a positive impact. Synctuition was able to refocus the racing mind to a calming state within a 3D journey with binaural beat technology. This refocus of the mind was successful even for participants who had difficulty with traditional approaches to mindful meditation. Importantly, these participants were able to relax.

The Synctuition mindful meditation experience was unique and different from other traditional mindful meditation programs because it successfully refocuses the mind to the present. Participants listen to the 3D beautiful and relaxing sounds and fre- quencies that have been known to relax the mind combined with the binaural technology, which immerses the listener in an explorative journey. By exposure to these sounds, participants are provided with positive affirmations that prevent and redirect those prone to self-negative talk.

A few participants commented that this mindful meditation program provided a more restful sleep than traditional methods. Accordingly, future studies should be undertaken to further assess the quality of sleep following mindful meditation intervention.

Relaxation and restful sleep are crucial for health care workers, especially during a pandemic, and can enhance peak brain perfor- mance in a fast-paced world. Reducing stress in health care workers can potentially increase the quality of life not only for the health care workers but also for the quality of care provided.

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